I've been keeping track of various technical stats for OSInet's sites for as long as they've been existing (and that means well over 10 years, mind you !), and the June figures show a long expected landmark has been reached : for the first time since the creation of these sites, the operating systems declared as being Unix-ish by user agents (browsers) visiting our sites in June 2008 has broken the 10% barrier (10,08% to be accurate).
To be fair, a lot of that progress comes from MacOS X, which more than doubled its user-share in one year, while other Linux/UNIX systems "only" made 50% progress.
However, this is only a visible mark in a long trend. User agent signatures mentioning a Windows OS of some sort or another peaked in April 2001 at 96.8% and has been slowly decreasing ever since, with only a few temporary resurgences.
The one thing I find worthy of attention in these figures is the fact the OSInet mostly provides software products for enterprise customers, most of them running Microsoft Windows as their desktop OS. Maybe the LAMP factor in our Drupal services is just too strong ?