The second Open Source Developers Conference (OSDC) will be held on saturday 9th and sunday 10th, October 2010 at "Carrefour Numérique de la Cité des Sciences", in Paris. OSDC is a cross-language event, set up by multiple french language-specific non-profits:
- PERL: Mongueurs de Perl
- Python: AFPy (Association Francophone Python)
- Ruby: Ruby France
- SmallTalk: European Smalltalk User Group
Several other languages will have presentations too, include quite a bit of PHP (Symfony, code analysis tools), Javascript (Node.js) and Clojure, but also non-language presentations, including PGSQL, Redis, and Git, among others.
In addition, an O'Reilly booth will be selling books with a 35% discount over their usual international price.
See the full program and register on the OSDC site.