
Non-version specific Drupal

The Drupal Block system from drop.org to Drupal 8: video from DrupalCon Prague

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

So DrupalCon Prague is almost over, and I can now share with you the video of my session about the history of the Drupal block system, from drop.org to Drupal 8, just as recorded on wednesday.

The session page is available on https://prague2013.drupal.org/session/blocks-drop.org-drupal-8-and-beyo… where you can also rate it. Please to it over there, or add your comments here: it is very useful for me to see what needs to be adjusted for upcoming presentations. Based on the overall feedback, it seems that:

Drupal spam: have we stooped so low ?

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

Coming back from yesterday's first Drupal 8 core code sprint in Paris with lifted spirits from the event, I has a rather disturbing surprise awaiting me on this Drupal (and music) blog: there, on the comment approval queue, stood a single comment on an old blog post for Planet Drupal, authored by someone supposedly called "Johnson" and supposedly writing from "remo2301@gmail.com":

Developing to the Views 7.3 API - slides from DDDB

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

Now that Drupalcon Chicago is over, I found some time to fix the slides from my session at the Drupal Dev Days in Brussels. It took some time because neither Google Presentations nor Slideshare apparently like the MgOpen font family.

The presentation is now on Slideshare at http://www.slideshare.net/fgm-osinet/drupal-views-development.

The progressive code samples are attached to this blog entry, as a tarred Git repository.

If the SELECT in your Drupal modules are suddenly all 4 lines high or more...

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

If all of a sudden you notice that the SELECT elements in your Drupal forms increases to 4 and any smaller size is ignored...

... maybe you've already forgotten you were using Chrome, and it is not a Drupal bug : this is a "usability" feature of WebKit. See http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebCore/rendering/RenderListBox.cpp#L67.

Safari users are probably used to it, but for users of other browsers, this is a bit disconcerting.

Drupal security from the outside

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The OSInet team recently attended Solutions Linux, a trade fair focused on FLOSS, and while chatting with a sales engineer from a company specialized in Typo3, got asked which CMS we used, and of course answered "Drupal".

At that point, that person flinched somehow, acknowledging that Drupal was indeed one of the "Big 3" in the CMS space, along with Typo3 and Joomla, but was plagued with security issues making it rather unfit for professional deployment, as opposed to Typo3, which took security issues seriously. Continuing the discussion, it appeared that company has indeed at least acquired some Drupal knowhow too, due to customer request, but the person doing the criticizing was not directly familiar with Drupal.