Google Go = Golang

The Google Go language.

Golang tip of the day: admin dashboard and health checks in Beego applications

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

One litle-publicized feature of the BeeGo Go framework is its admin dashboard.


Although it may look quite raw visually (think MIME: text/plain), it contains a wealth of information about goroutines, threads, memory usage, and request statistics. It even allows devs to add to a "healthcheck" list, and admins allowed dashboard access to run "tasks" defined in code. The diagram belows shows the hierarchy of features in the version coming with Beego 1.3.0.

What to do when Go will not run, nor install from source ?

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

Some days ago, at the AWS Summit 2014, DamZ renewed my long-sleeping interest for the Google Go language with wonderous stories about its use in infrastructure of the new Commerce Guys Platform they were launching that same days, so I've been doing my homework getting up to date on Go programming: that's what holidays are for, aren't they ?