
Tip of the Day: restart Opera without Dragonfly

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

If you like Opera Dragonfly, as I do, you may have stumbled upon a small annoyance: if Opera is configured to start with the previous window, if you use Dragonfly in a separate window - maybe because you use a dual screen config - if you happen to close the main Opera window with Dragonfly still open, and close Dragonfly afterwards, then you will notice that Opera complies with your choices: when you restart it, it restarts with the main browsing window closed and Dragonfly opened.

At this stage, closing Dragonfly won't help, because Opera will faithfully restore it at every launch. Annoying. Luckily, there is a very simple workaround if you find yourself in that situation...

Quick tip: how to make CVS status actually usable

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

Like any VCS, CVS is able to show the status of the current directory when compared with the repository from which it is checked out.

However, unlike SVN, GIT, or bzr, which by default show only a rather compact set of information, CVS provides already verbose information, with only an option to add even more, and no terse mode.

Luckily, piping its output through a few commands allows one to obtain such a compact cvs status display. I tend to use this, aliased to cvsst.

alias cvsst="cvs st | grep -vE 'revision|Sticky|^$|==|Commit' | sed -r 's/^File: |Status: //g'"

When hovering over a link no longer displays the target in Opera

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

Spending most of my web time in Opera, I had noticed that on one of my PCs, hovering over a hypertext link (i.e. <a href="..." ...>) had ceased displaying the target of the link in the UI, and there didn't seem to be a setting to make it appear again. Even when upgrading, that annoying behaviour kept stuck.

As one can expect, it turned out to be simple to fix, just not obvious in the Opera UI. Here is the procedure:

Speeding up Drupal on Vista with Wampserver

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The problem : Drupal awfully slow on Vista (and Seven) with Wampserver

For some time now, I'd been severiously annoyed by the (utter lack of) performance of Drupal 6 and 7 on my home PC, which happens to be running Microsoft Vista: considering I was used to getting page times around 200ms on a fractional Celeron with Apache 2.2 on a Linux server hosted comparatively far across the net from that same machine, I felt the 5 to 15 seconds response time per page on this local machine with a quad core and 3 GB RAM were really making me lose my time.

The solution

After some time spend googling around, I stumbled upon an incredibly simple tip, which made the 5 to 15 seconds per page drop down to around 1 second when logged in, and well below 500 ms when not logged in. It's incredible what ONE single character in a plain text file gets you under Vista :-)

UPDATE 2010-01-23: David Hogg tells us (see below) that this works for Windows Seven too

GroupWise 8 is here at last

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

So at long last, GW8 is becoming reality :

See the GW8 announcement on Novell communities.

As a long time developer on GroupWise (hey, I did this even before I started on Drupal !), I'm glad to see the product evolve. And already a planned upgrade for a customer :-)

Now, if I could find a project merging both... to this day, I've only used Delphi, both with OLE and SOAP, to communicate with GW.

When Trac "Available projects" starts as an empty page

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

Having to use Trac instead of our usual Drupal Project* setup for a new Drupal project, I just found out a problem which perplexed me for a moment: after following the instructions from the Trac site for a very basic setup, without SVN integration, all seems to work well, up to the point where I started the server.

# tracd --port 8000 /var/www/trac/proj1

The problem

... and went to my browser to only to receive an almost empty page, just saying "Available Projects" and nothing else. No error during trac-admin initenv. And the page was well-formed, showing it was likely not an actual bug.

Googling around the problem showed the issue to be already known, but offered no hint about the solution. What could be wrong ?

Linux / UNIX-type systems break the 10% barrier

Submitted by Frederic Marand on
Alternative Browser OSes 2001-2008

I've been keeping track of various technical stats for OSInet's sites for as long as they've been existing (and that means well over 10 years, mind you !), and the June figures show a long expected landmark has been reached : for the first time since the creation of these sites, the operating systems declared as being Unix-ish by user agents (browsers) visiting our sites in June 2008 has broken the 10% barrier (10,08% to be accurate).

When e-commerce won't create products ...

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

I was working on an existing site today, and after installing the e-commerce 3.4 suite (EC), noticed something was very weird: product type modules were enabled, all basic EC modules were there too, and yet, when I created products by hand, the "Anonymous purchase" fieldset appeared, but nothing else from EC.

Worse, when saving the new products, they were properly created in the {node} table, but never appeared in the {ec_product} table, which caused them never to appear as products in the admin products list of the product view available to users. What could be going on ?

Drupal security from the outside

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The OSInet team recently attended Solutions Linux, a trade fair focused on FLOSS, and while chatting with a sales engineer from a company specialized in Typo3, got asked which CMS we used, and of course answered "Drupal".

At that point, that person flinched somehow, acknowledging that Drupal was indeed one of the "Big 3" in the CMS space, along with Typo3 and Joomla, but was plagued with security issues making it rather unfit for professional deployment, as opposed to Typo3, which took security issues seriously. Continuing the discussion, it appeared that company has indeed at least acquired some Drupal knowhow too, due to customer request, but the person doing the criticizing was not directly familiar with Drupal.

Easier Lilypond coding with Context

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

A few months ago, I discovered the Lilypond music typesetting system, and thought I had stumbled upon some sort of holy grail: here was an open source system which, at last, allowed me to write music much like program code, and did not jump me through the hoops of a UI in order to create scores and the MIDI files representing them.