
Tip of the day: validating a Jenkinsfile from the CLI with HTTPie

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The Jenkins butler with a keyboard, variations by fgm@osinetfr and Dall-E 2An easily missed feature in Jenkins is the bundled linter for Jenkinsfiles.

While there are many examples about how to use it with cURL, I could not find any using HTTPie, which I find much more convenient in general than cURL. So, after some fumbling due to the little documented expectations of the validator, here is the solution showing how to validate a Jenkinsfile from the CLI:

What to do when Go will not run, nor install from source ?

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

Some days ago, at the AWS Summit 2014, DamZ renewed my long-sleeping interest for the Google Go language with wonderous stories about its use in infrastructure of the new Commerce Guys Platform they were launching that same days, so I've been doing my homework getting up to date on Go programming: that's what holidays are for, aren't they ?