
Munin plugins for Beanstalkd in PHP are now 1.0.0

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

In 2014, I created a PHP version of the Munin plugins for Beanstalkd introduced by AirBnB, but originally created in Python.

Fast forward four years, and after being adapted for compliances with the PHP-FIG PSR1, PSR2 and PSR12 standards, as well as the Zend coding standards, and with extra documentation, I published the first "stable" version 1.0.0 of the package today under the Apache APL-2.0 license.

OSInet library converted to PSR0 / PSR1

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

Over the last few days, I finally decided to revisit the old OSInet PHP library, to dust it off somehow, and convert the class-based parts to PSR0 and the whole to what seems to be liable to become PSR1 at some point.

This library contains a zoo of function helping with PHP-GTK development, and three packages with their demo application:

Class Grapher
Build a graph of inheritance and interface implementations on a directory (and subdirectories) of PHP code
This package uses the Drupal Grammar Paser to parse code, and includes a Drush 5 plugin for easy use within a Drupal site, but can also be used to parse non-Drupal code, as long as the Grammar Parser - which does not depend on Drupal either - is installed in the include path.
It is a more complete version of the Drupal-only Class Grapher sandbox on
In the current version, graphs are generated using GraphViz. An extension to a client-side visualization tool like the Infovis toolkit should come someday. Suggestions for other client-side libraries welcome (please comment!).
Open Document Calc reader
This package provides a few classes and methods to extract the content of OpenDocument (LibreOffice,, ...) spreadsheets.
Finite State Machine
This package is used to build applications designed around a finite state machine, and is mostly intended for use in PHP-GTK applications, to provide asynchronous processing.
The demo application uses the PHP FTP extension to expose its asynchronous notifications in a PHP-GTK UI