Drupal tip of the day: how to display time and memory use for Drush commands

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

When you use Drush, especially in crontabs, you may sometimes be bitten by RAM or duration limits. Of course, running Drush with the "-d" option will provide this information, but it will only do so at the end of an annoyingly noisy output debugging the whole command run.

On the other hand, just running the Drush command within a time command won't provide fine memory reporting. Luckily Drush implements hooks to make acquiring this information easily, so here is a small gist you can use as a standalone Drush plugin or add to a module of your own:

MongoDB 8.x-2.0-alpha1 released

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

On behalf of all contributors to the MongoDB module suite for Drupal over the years, I am pleased to announce the 8.x-2.0-alpha1 release of the MongoDB package for Drupal 8, six years after we started this project on Drupal 6.

This release is the first step to an initial stable release of the MongoDB package for Drupal 8, containing:

  • mongodb a module exposing the new PHP library as Symfony services exposed to a Drupal 8.x instance. It is designed as a minimal and consistent connection layer on top of the PHP library for MongoDB, for all modules targeting MongoDB on Drupal 8.x, be they contributed or bespoke.
  • mongodb_watchdog a PSR-3 logger storing event data in MongoDB. On top of the features already present in 6.x and 7.x versions, it introduces a per-request report showing all events logged during a request, in order.

Drupal 8 tip of the day: replace hook_drush_command() by a YAML file

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

One of the big trends during the Drupal 8 creation has been the replacement of info hooks by two main mechanisms: annotations, and YAML files. In that light, hook_drush_command(), as the CLI equivalent of the late hook_menu, replaced by various YAML files, looks just like a perfect candidate for replacement by a commands section in some mymodule.drush.yml configuration file. Turns out it is incredibly easy to achieve. Let's see how to kill some hundred lines of code real fast !

Drupal 8 tip of the day: autoloaded code in a module install file

Submitted by Frederic Marand on
(updated 2017-08-30, see bottom of post). Autoloading in D8 is much more convenient that in previous versions, however, it still has limitations. One such issue is with hook_requirements(), which is supposed to be present in the module install file, not the module itself: when called at runtime for the site report page, the module is loaded and the PSR/4 autoloader works fine. However, when that hook is fired during install to ensure the module can indeed be enabled, the module is not yet enabled, and the autoloader is not yet able to find code from that module, meaning the hook_requirements('install') implementation cannot use namespaced classes from the module, as they will not be autoloadable. What are the solutions ?

Logging for MongoDB

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

One nice thing during Drupal 7/8 development is the ability, thanks to the devel module, to get a list of all SQL queries ran on a page. As I've been working quite a bit on MongoDB in PHP recently, I wondered how to obtain comparable results when using MongoDB in PHP projects. Looking at the D7 implementation, the magic happens in the Database class:

// Start logging on the default database.
define(DB_CHANNEL, 'my_logging_channel');

// Get the log contents, typically in a shutdown handler.
$log = \Database::getLog(DB_CHANNEL);

With DBTNG, that's all it takes, and devel puts it to good use UI-wise. So is there be an equivalent mechanism in MongoDB ? Of course there is !