Showcase: Migrating FranceTVSport.fr to Drupal 8 and Symfony 4

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The opening talk as DrupalCamp Paris 2019 was a presentation given by Thomas Jolliet (FranceTV) and yours truly about how we rebuilt FranceTV Sport to a Symfony 4 / headless Drupal 8 combo.

The most salient points of the talk are probably the "defense in depth" mechanisms we built for scalability and fault tolerance, and the business results, like -85% full page load time, -65% speed index, or +50% iOS app traffic.

How to debug Drupal 8 Functional tests with XDebug

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The problem

While converting the old-style functional tests in the MongoDB project from WebTestBase to BrowserTestBase, I stumbled upon a problem: after following the drupal.org instructions to run PHPunit tests from PhpStorm, doing step-by-step debugging in the IDE worked nicely, but then stopped at the first $this->drupalLogin(); call, returning a 404 after a very long delay, although the same call running without debugging worked normally. What could be going on ?

Drupal tip of the day: PHPUnit 6 tests with composer-project/drupal-project

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The problem

When trying to run PHPUnit tests on the MongoDB contrib module for the soon-ready 8.2.0 version, I recently starting encountering this error:

PHPUnit testing framework version 6 or greater is required when running on PHP 7.0 or greater.
Run the command 'composer run-script drupal-phpunit-upgrade' in order to fix this.

OK, no big deal, let's just run that command.

# From $PROJECT/web/core directory
$ ../../vendor/bin/composer run-script drupal-phpunit-upgrade

In RunScriptCommand.php line 89:

Script "drupal-phpunit-upgrade" is not defined in this package
run-script [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--dev] [--no-dev] [-l|--list] [--] [] []...

Hmm, so I need that command but it is not defined in composer.json. So where is it ?

I'm going to Drupal Europe and so should you

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

So DrupalCon Europe is out for 2018. But that does not mean a EU-level event does not exist, to bind the community beyond the specialization of DevDays, FrontEnd United, CxO, GovDays, and all the DrupalCamps. Drupal Europe is that event, and to support the community who wants to prove a large Drupal conference can reasonably happen after all the trouble the Drupal Association had with it, the best way it to register for the conference.


So join me there :-) Drupal Europe early supporter badge

Tip of the day: how to debug Composer scripts with XDebug and PhpStorm

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The problem: XDebug doesn't work for Composer scripts

PhpStorm is quite convenient to debug scripts with XDebug (do you support Derick for giving us XDebug ?): just add a "Run/Debug configuration", choosing the "PHP Script" type, give a few parameters, and you can start debugging your PHP CLI scripts, using breakpoints, evaluations, etc.

Wonderful. So now, let's define such a configuration to debug a Composer script, say a Behat configuration generator from site settings for some current Drupal 8 project. Apply the configuration, run it in debug mode, and ....

...PhpStorm doesn't stop, the script runs and ends, and all breakpoints were ignored. How to actually use breakpoints in the IDE ?

How to install a Drupal Composer based project when packages.drupal.org is down

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The problem: packages.drupal.org broken

I was starting my weekly work for the Drupal GraphQL module by the customary composer update --prefer-source -vvv command, ready to watch composer spit out some hundred lines sipping my coffee, but this time something turned out to be wrong:

Downloading https://packages.drupal.org/8/drupal/provider-2016-4%24a30289dd8394e5271bd77777bb14b361c5938656f1cddad7fae1c00d5d6ba9c6.json

  The "https://packages.drupal.org/8/drupal/provider-2016-4%24a30289dd8394e5271bd77777bb14b361c5938656f1cddad7fae1c00d5d6ba9c6.json" file could not be downloaded (HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found)

OK, so packages.drupal.org is down for now. How can we work around this ?