Showcase: Migrating to Drupal 8 and Symfony 4

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The opening talk as DrupalCamp Paris 2019 was a presentation given by Thomas Jolliet (FranceTV) and yours truly about how we rebuilt FranceTV Sport to a Symfony 4 / headless Drupal 8 combo.

The most salient points of the talk are probably the "defense in depth" mechanisms we built for scalability and fault tolerance, and the business results, like -85% full page load time, -65% speed index, or +50% iOS app traffic.

Go internals unofficial wiki restored

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The "Go internals unofficial wiki" on used to be a valuable resource for developers interesting in the internal operation of the Go runtime, but disappeared when went down in 04/2014.

I spent a couple of hours this morning to restore and reformat its contents to the Golang section on the Audean wiki.

Enjoy... but responsibly : its content was fresh in 2014, not last week...

GoLand tip of the day: clean up GoLand leftover cache and log folders

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

When GoLand is upgraded from one version to the next, the deployment process adds a new set of configuration, cache, and log directories. But it does not remove the versions associated to the previous versions of the IDE, to ease rolling back to the previous version if an upgrade happens to cause an issue.

So after some time, removing these now-unused folders will regain some disk space, possibly more than 1 GB. Here are their respective locations and content on macOS:

GoLand tip of the day: when Make run configurations don't find go

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The problem

In a GoLand 2018.3 EAP run configuration, a Makefile run configuration finds the go binary on macOS, but not on Ubuntu, causing make targets like this one to fail:
client/test.wasm: client/main.go
# Building WASM
GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js go build -o client/test.wasm client/main.go

/usr/bin/make -f (some edited path)/Makefile client/test.wasm
/bin/sh: 1: go: not found
make: *** [client/test.wasm] Error 127

Simple enough to fix...

Tip of the day: how to compare Guitar Pro files

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The problem

When working on compositions in a multi-member band (currently 5 in AnotherDay, each member tends to create their own Guitar Pro files to avoid overwriting the previous versions created by other band members. And .gp files tend to accumulate for the same song. At which point I start to wonder: "I know there's this riff in one of the versions, but which one ?" or "Are these two files really different or could I just merge them by editing a few notes, or remove one altogether ?"

Munin plugins for Beanstalkd in PHP are now 1.0.0

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

In 2014, I created a PHP version of the Munin plugins for Beanstalkd introduced by AirBnB, but originally created in Python.

Fast forward four years, and after being adapted for compliances with the PHP-FIG PSR1, PSR2 and PSR12 standards, as well as the Zend coding standards, and with extra documentation, I published the first "stable" version 1.0.0 of the package today under the Apache APL-2.0 license.

How to debug Drupal 8 Functional tests with XDebug

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The problem

While converting the old-style functional tests in the MongoDB project from WebTestBase to BrowserTestBase, I stumbled upon a problem: after following the instructions to run PHPunit tests from PhpStorm, doing step-by-step debugging in the IDE worked nicely, but then stopped at the first $this->drupalLogin(); call, returning a 404 after a very long delay, although the same call running without debugging worked normally. What could be going on ?

Drupal tip of the day: PHPUnit 6 tests with composer-project/drupal-project

Submitted by Frederic Marand on

The problem

When trying to run PHPUnit tests on the MongoDB contrib module for the soon-ready 8.2.0 version, I recently starting encountering this error:

PHPUnit testing framework version 6 or greater is required when running on PHP 7.0 or greater.
Run the command 'composer run-script drupal-phpunit-upgrade' in order to fix this.

OK, no big deal, let's just run that command.

# From $PROJECT/web/core directory
$ ../../vendor/bin/composer run-script drupal-phpunit-upgrade

In RunScriptCommand.php line 89:

Script "drupal-phpunit-upgrade" is not defined in this package
run-script [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--dev] [--no-dev] [-l|--list] [--] [] []...

Hmm, so I need that command but it is not defined in composer.json. So where is it ?